Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I still remember the first time I heard the word "signage." I was interning at an event coordinating firm after my Freshman year of college and the President of the company told me in a meeting that we needed to work on signage for an event. I am pretty sure I laughed. I thought she was trying to sound hip. It sounded like something my Uncle Russ would say (he can make anything sound "gnarly" cool and frequently ends words with "age.") -- not something a power business woman would say in front of the mayor. But apparently signage is a real and commonly used word.

I guess I've spent the years since then asking God for some signage. Earlier this week, I was begging God to give me some kind of sign. "Show me where you want me! Where should I move? Or should I stay here? What should I do with my life?!"

The next sign I passed was HUGE. In my face. "CLEVELAND."

What???! Haha... Yeah right. God, you can be a jokester sometimes!

I think God was reminding me that he doesn't always lay out His plan for us. Yes, some people get these grand signs, but sometimes he lets us choose. I may get a sign between now and this winter, when I'll be making my decision on where (or whether) to move, but I might not. I might have to just trust that He will be with me through the decision making process. I've always thought of my life as already being mapped out in this master plan that God has set for me, but I actually think I have lots of options. I'm not going to move to the wrong place or take the wrong job or marry the wrong person. I don't think the plan is like that. Maybe-- just like the way I like to make the plans for myself-- His plan is fluid too.

Jeremiah 29:11 gets quoted all the time:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

But we don't always read verses 12...
"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you."

A couple thoughts:
--"Plans" is plural. He has multiple plans for us. Not just one. I'm reminded of the Choose Your Own Adventure books I used to love as a kid.

--My pleas to Him are not falling on deaf ears. He is listening to me. And communicating with me, even if it is in the form of a joke!


  1. Love this Andress! Great realization... He gives us hope, but sometimes lets us fill in the blanks. If we're doing it in a life devoted to Him - it will turn out spectacular! Wishing you all the best...

  2. Maybe Cleveland wasn't a joke... hehe

  3. Sounds like pretty good theology to me.

  4. Hey Andress! Thanks for the comment on my old blog. And I remember you, I think you always had great hair ;)
